Melton Makes | Tracy Melton
Written by Sheldon Hubbard
Chucking away dead wood may seem easy for many people, but Tracy Melton is certainly not one of them. He sees trees as an important reminder of how to see life more cyclically. Even dead wood can produce strong lumber, fine furniture, beautiful art.
For Tracy, creativity can suddenly spring through any of these modes, but in terms of visual awe, it seems woodworking and painting take the cake, most notably through his “Tree Ring series,” which was started back in 2007. Now, nearly fifteen years later, his artwork can be found all over the nation: in private homes, hotels, restaurants, and even hospitals.
Equal parts artist and wild man, Tracy takes what it means to draw inspiration from nature and filters it through deep, inner compassion to create. Giving a vibrant second life to something that only ever gave life takes an extraordinary leap in terms of creative musing. It is not only about what your art can do aesthetically, but also what it can provide soulfully.
Currently residing in the marvelous mountains of North Carolina with his family, he curates a vibrancy that possesses comforting familiarity with the work (and thought) process that is truly, solely meant for him.
Tracy’s most recent work includes a wooden stand-up paddleboard, art for the Boston Children’s Hospital, large oil paintings created deep in the mountains, and creative renegade signs that pay tribute to forgotten places.
Along with this spread, you can find some incredible highlights of his work on his Instagram page (@meltonmakes) and his website
