Communities with a vibrant atmosphere of the arts have proven time and time again to have a healthier economy, which can spur quicker growth, as well as citizens with a greater sense of overall satisfaction within their community. As more studies continue to show the positive impact and link between the arts and mental health, it is imperative to find more ways of embedding arts into our neighborhoods.
In Rochester, Indiana, graphic designer Jessica Shafer found ways to adapt to the new surroundings unfolding around us and opened doors of opportunity for her own creativity that also unlocked portals for other artists in the area to rejuvenate their
own artistic ambitions. This sprouted a network of artists in many different fields to collaborate and inspire one another; their works of art add to the infinite web of infectious, artistic inspiration that flows through the community and beyond.
A lover of the arts in many forms, Jessica has always enjoyed trying her hand at different artistic outlets but recalls being especially obsessed with computers at an early age. That passion and seed of inspiration continued to be watered in her youth by her creative cousin Toni, who is now a potter and owner of Miller’s Clay Works. While Toni was attending school for graphic design, she would come home during breaks and share her school projects with Jessica, spending time discussing design.
While most of Jessica’s peers during those early years were only embracing the perks of technology and the internet by engaging in social media or playing video games, Jessica began to unleash her own budding creativity in the world of web design. By the time she was in middle school, she was already designing websites, and by the age of sixteen, she was able to use her creativity for financial gain. She would continue her academic studies at Indiana University where she would learn the intricacies of the web industry while sharpening the tools gained through her own experiences.
Many kids growing up in small rural communities are induced by dreams of breaking out after high school to search for fame and fortunes, leaving their rustic roots and dirt roads behind for big city lights. Jessica’s concept of living a successful life did not include spotlights and flashy cars but the simple comforts of home and relaxation and the freedom to plan each day as she pleases, only having to rely on her own hard work and creativity to pay the bills by doing what she loves. For Jessica, returning home to Rochester wasn't always the plan but had hopes of awakening the artistic energy she knew was there and to unify those creative people in the area to help spread the love of the arts and build a stronger community.
After returning home, she began to build her client base as a graphic designer while planning to start her own publication to shed light on other artists in the area, referred to as Creative Natives. In 2018, after a few years of planning and strategy, Digital Wolf Magazine was born. During this same time, the Record Farm, a Logansport-based business, opened its second location in Rochester to sell new and used vinyl records, CDs, cassettes, and musical equipment; Jessica began working there a few days a week. The release of the Digital Wolf Magazine soon led to her own podcast. This expansion needed an umbrella company name which suitably became the Digital Wolf Network.

A decision made by Record Farm’s owners, Matt Swisher and Adam Wilson, brought the start of another new chapter in Jessica’s life. Four short years after opening their main store in Logansport, Indiana, and while many other small businesses were dealing with the uncertainty that lie ahead, the fortunate success sustained by the Record Farm led to an opportunity to move to a larger space in Logansport and the expansion of a craft brew pub and video arcade called Bonus Pints. In order to shift all focus to their expansion, their time operating in the Rochester location came to an end in January 2021. Not wanting to let the opportunity slip by, Jessica made the bold move to take over the Rochester location and revive it as a hub for the Creative Natives she had been showcasing in her magazine. This new hub and art gallery called The Native Nook brought more attention to the local artists and gave them a space to showcase their work and to interact with other artists and members of their community.
The Digital Wolf Network was now humming, growing, and branching out into numerous areas and projects around the city and reaching out into other communities big and small. Jessica has since been busy working on new collaborations with other artist, growing the Digital Wolf Network, signing more clients, and breathing new life into Rochester. Her influence can be felt throughout the town and seen while driving through downtown Rochester where her designs are featured on the new marquee that shines above the recently opened Times Theater. She has recently taken her job as a graphic designer a step further by helping business owners by not only giving them a bigger voice and presence through smart branding but also a broader base by becoming a member of her “Unique Destinations and Services,” which reaches out to travelers looking for interesting places to visit, shop, eat, or share a few drinks with friends.
What will come next for Jessica we cannot say but can guarantee that whatever it is will not only be to the benefit of others but will also be something she is passionate about. “If it’s something you really enjoy, just do it. It doesn’t have to be for profit but for the love of it.”