Initially known as "Digital Wolf Podcast," our origins trace back to recording sessions at a local community radio station. We later underwent a rebranding, adopting the name "On the Back Burner Podcast." This show features guest hosts who independently record and share captivating narratives, providing insights into their creative realms, and showcasing their original musical compositions. Today, our podcast network encompasses a diverse range of content and also hosts Blind Pig Confessions Podcast.
Initially known as "Digital Wolf Podcast," our origins trace back to recording sessions at a local community radio station. This show features guest hosts who independently record and share captivating narratives, providing insights into their creative realms, and showcasing their original musical compositions. ​
Initially known as "Digital Wolf Podcast," our journey began with recording sessions at a local community radio station, WROI, which generously opened up their studio to us. Encouraged by a Creative Native to share our stories, we launched the podcast with the intention of diving deeper into the narratives featured in Digital Wolf Magazine. As we continued to grow, we rebranded as "On the Back Burner Podcast," welcoming guest hosts who independently record and share captivating stories. These episodes explore their creative realms and often showcase original musical compositions.
Our podcast network has since expanded to include a diverse range of content, and we’re proud to host the Blind Pig Confessions Podcast as part of our lineup. We've also had the pleasure of collaborating with Blind Pig Confessions and appearing on other podcasts, further broadening our reach and connections within the podcasting community.