Whenever people are in need, hope is what sustains them through dark days and tough times. For people in need in Fulton County, Fulton County H.O.P.E, Inc is a literal means of connecting them with that help. Formed in January 2017 by local residents who recognized that there was a bridgeable gap between people dealing with personal challenges and the resources that could address those challenges, Fulton County H.O.P.E, Inc’s mission has been to raise awareness and education regarding those resources, and to provide pathways to accessing them. The three main populations they initially targeted to serve included children and families, people affected by poverty, and those coping with substance use and mental health issues. However, since our community has great people and organizations, FC HOPE has adapted. The Outlet Youth Center’s imminent arrival is one example where H.O.P.E. will pass the baton and actively support a new organization that will serve children and families. “We don’t want to duplicate services,” Pat said, before changing the focus to another important issue the organization is rising to meet. “We have found an unmet need for housing for people who are returning to our community following incarceration, or treatment for substance abuse disorder. We need short-term housing for people of limited income. We need short-term housing for people struggling to ‘get on their feet’ financially and transition to permanent housing.” FC HOPE has requested and received funds from the county to help address some of the short-term housing issues, and they are exploring ways that they can either create or find an organization that will take on the task for long-term accommodations. They anticipate being able to make an announcement on the progress of these efforts in the near future. If you want to know more about FC HOPE, be sure to pick up one of their resource directories available at social services organizations, medical offices, churches, and local government offices. If you can’t find one, the guides are being reprinted in May.
The guide is also available to download at www.fchope.org/poverty.
A Christ Centered Recovery Program St. John Lutheran Church | Tuesday 6:00 PM Dinner starts at 5:30PM 404 Jefferson St, Rochester, IN 46975 Joe & Patty Brady | Joe (574)835-6956 The Cross | Mondays @ 6:00 PM Dinner starts at 5:30PM 100 W. 3rd St., Rochester, IN 46975 Debbie & Hector Fernandez | (574)223-3107
Olive Branch Church | Thursdays @ 6:00PM Light meal at 5:15PM 4581 E. 1200 North, Roann, IN 46794 Derrick Harris | (574)800-1655 Celebrate Recovery Locator Map: https://locator.crgroups.info/

“I felt it was fitting as some people forget about the effects of addiction and/or mental health issues on the people connected to the person struggling with addiction and/or mental health. There is a hidden connection to so many people, friends and family that want and try to help. As a result, those people have to sometimes deal with being isolated from their other family, friends, and communities.” - Brittanie Thomas
Community Art Project The stigma of dealing with the effects of substance abuse and mental health issues can be just as daunting as the issues themselves. Stigma is even credited as a factor that contributes to the severity of the problem, and as an obstacle to recovery. As a part of Fulton County HOPE, we believe that art- in whatever form it takes- can change the conversation and be a bridge between those struggling with recovery, and the communities they might feel alienated from. It is our goal to create an art project related to substance use and mental health issues, and are inviting Creative Natives to help by putting their talents to the task. If you can sculpt, paint, write, dance, sing- or whatever- we can use your help. If your medium is digital art, video, photography, or something completely unique, we will be willing to accommodate your vision if you are willing to share it. Individuals interested in participating are encouraged to produce their own work, or they can be paired with an artist who can bring their creative expressions to life. Art liaison Jessica Shafer will be enlisting a roster of professional artists who have enthusiastically volunteered to work on this project. These artists can be coaches, collaborators, editors, or contribute to the specific needs of the works in their various stages. Contact:
Pat Brown | brown619@icould.com | (260) 417-1071
Jessica Shafer | mixedmediumdesign@gmail.com | (574) 780-6144